[SOLVED] Check if player is hovering over ANY button


I’m trying to play a SFX every time a player hovers over a TextButton or an ImageButton.
I know a method with .MouseEnter, but it detects if the mouse is on a specific Text- or ImageButton.

Is there a way to make the script check if the player is hovering over ANY Text- or ImageButton?

Instead of making a localscript inside button, make a localscript inside gui, and then use .MouseEnter for every descendant that is TextButton or ImageButton

Local script

local gui = script.Parent

for _, child in pairs(gui:GetDescendants()) do
	if child:IsA("TextButton") or child:IsA("ImageButton") then
			print("entered") --your code here

This is how it looks for me in explorer, but thanks to :GetDescendants(), it should also work with buttons nested inside new frames etc.

Snímka obrazovky 2022-07-21 161355

Hi, try this

local hovering = false

hovering= true
hovering= false

if hovering == true then

-- it's hovering


I’m on Mobile right now so I couldn’t do the formatting.

I completely forgot about this, thank you very much.

but you cant format on pc unless you copy a tab character

Anyways I think you forgot something.