I’ve been trying to figure out, how to use Open Cloud Datastores API in my Roblox experience to connect my moderation system between multiple experiences.
I came to a problem. I’ve followed the usage guide & reference, created the correct URL. When I run an Http request to the URL from outside of Roblox, it returns what it should; but when I do the same in my Roblox experience, it returns an empty table.
I’m using a proxy to replace roblox.com restrictions. As described it works completely fine outside of Roblox, but in my experience it returns an empty table.
What should I do? What should I try? Do you have any ideas?
Why are you trying to access the OpenCloud datastore API from within Roblox? The OpenCloud API is meant to serve as an external way of achieving what game:GetService(“DataStoreService”) provides.
It actually kind of does make sense. He is trying to use the same datastore across multiple different experiences, this wouldn’t be possible using game:GetService("DataStoreService") as that only gets DataStores for the current experience.
I did miss that part in his post, however it still wouldn’t make complete sentence to try and use opencloud within the experience, as he can just make the opencloud update a datastore in every experience at the same time.