(SOLVED) FE Gun Kit, Pistol Stuck to Arm!

I didn’t find a good category for this to fit in, but I hope this is the right one, or atleast partially.

I’m making a Hood Game, and of course, with a Hood game, comes Guns. They are the most Vital part about the game, and so I used FE Gun Kit to make some guns, in this case a Glock-19.

In the Picture below you can see how the Gun is supposed to be held:

And in the picture below you can see how the character holds it as of right now:
(The Gun is stuck in the right arm, you can see it if you look closely at the end of the shirt)

The First issue already starts when trying to get the gun when it’s not directly in the StarterPack, meaning that it’s loose in the Workspace (For example when you have an Item spawner that randomly drops guns at random locations).

Then, the next issue is of course, the way it’s being held, which is as you can see totally weird and not how it’s supposed to be.

How did I animate?
I followed a YouTuber’s instructions on the FE Gun Kit:

  1. Create Joints between all Gun Parts (Muzzle, Magazine, Bolt, etc.)
  2. Use EasyWeld, select Right (or Left) Arm, and join.
  3. Animate (I used Roblox’ default Animation Editor)
  4. Import the Scripts from the Preset Gun to the new Gun (Glock in this case)
  5. Insert the Animation ID’s, and voila!

The YouTuber says that you’d also need a Motor6D Script (It’s true), which I also added.

And as I said, the biggest issues are:

  1. You can’t pick up the gun when it’s not directly in StarterPack
  2. It’s being held absolutely weird (It’s inside of the right arm)

At this point, I’ve tried to look up what other YouTubers did, with no success, as well as reaching out to them, with no response at all (As usual).

I’m VERY grateful for any advice or help!


This could be a result of your priorities being incorrect
Idle must be looped on movement, everything else on action
Cancollide is also supposed to be off on all gun parts and due to this handle may not be recognizable to be picked up
Let me know if this works or other conditions of the tool are present

Nope, I picked the wrong Motor6D Script, works fine now!