You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:
What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
im trying to make the arms follow the head, like viewmodel but it doenst play any animations, using welds make it stuck and doenst play animations either, viewmodels that follows the arms movement but follow head gives the same issue
What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
What solutions have you tried so far?
weldconstraint, welds and glue
i guess i gotta use viewmodels but i want to play the currenthumanoid animation , i guess using playanimationtracks()
why do devforum people see this sometimes but just tries to see if is solved to steal the code or something, i guess devforum is not helping people anymore
Nah devforum helps, just different people are here and there to support people, Some people know how to do stuff, some dont, as explained by the activity.
If you’re wondering about stealing code, well, how do you steal code if you dont even have the base to use it?
I need you to explain your problem here more thoroughly.
You need to rotate the motor6d of the limbs, not the actual arms, If you rotate / CFrame the arms the animation wont play because the arms are overlapping the animation.
Use the motor6d inside the torso to rotate the arms.
i actually figured it out, i made a viewmodels that clone the plaeyr animation, but it dont play if the animationid is the same as the animate run id, walk (its the animations inside the value on animate), run etc but the problem that using c0 and c1 in the right shoulder, looking up makes your gun collide with arms, you need to make (for people who have same issue) a humanoid, without legs and humanoidrootpart, set ownership to player that is having the viewmodel, and now just clone the player anims using AnimationPlayed
incase you guys is wondering how the viewmodel was made it was like this
oof wrong image
the script inside the viewmodel just makes the torso ownership to the (game.Players:waitforchild( and thats all