[SOLVED] How do I make a Camera ignore a Model

I am making a yeet system, and the camera zoom in to the character due to the dummy whenever the player yeet a dummy. I want make the camera ignore the dummy to prevent the camera zooming in. I did some research and found out that I have to modify the popper module of the player:

However, I have no idea how to change the module (since I cannot open up the page that shows how to change the code of the popper script + I don’t want to change the default module from Roblox), and I want to know if there is any other way to make the camera ignore the model (dummy).

I am still struggling with the issue, and any help would be appreciated.

Hello! I would like to start off by saying that I am no expert in scripting so what I say may be incorrect / inefficient.

I would’ve assumed that to prevent the camera from being blocked by the dummy, you would set the can collide property to all the items within the dummy to false. But this is untrue

After looking around the forum, all other similar questions have pointed in the same direction to editing the popper module. So, unfortunately, it seems the popper module will have to be edited.

This is the download link to a game with the new script., provided by Aklan in the forum post you linked.
Popper module edited.rbxl (184.7 KB)

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First of all, Thank you so much for the response. I think your solution works as well, so i will set your response as the Solution of this topic.

What I did is when player is carrying another player then I set the camera to:

player.DevCameraOcclusionMode = Enum.DevCameraOcclusionMode.Invisicam

and when they yeet I change back to default camera setting which is:

player.DevCameraOcclusionMode = Enum.DevCameraOcclusionMode.Zoom

These scripts must me in a server script.

The only problem of this method is that the camera will ignore every part in the game, not only certain models or parts.

Once again, Thank you so much.

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