[SOLVED] How do I make a player stick to a part which is orbiting another part?

Hello there,

I’m making a slap battles fangame and I can’t seem to figure out on how to make a player stick on the part which is orbiting a part in a loop.

It looks something like this:

I’d be really happy if anyone helps me out on this.


Watch this tutorial, I was going to tell you how but it would take a bit too long for my short attention span lol.

How To Make A Moving Part With Moving Player!! Roblox Studio Tutorial! (youtube.com)


I tried it before but do I need to make its position go in a circle?

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alright i did it but now its just not keeping its orientation, falling over

here’s a clip:

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If you already tried anchoring it (sorry for the late response) then you could put a script in it,

while true do
script.Parent.AssemblyAngularVelocity = Vector3.new(0,0,0)
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I tried both of those methods but they still didn’t work.

while true do
	script.Parent.AssemblyAngularVelocity = Vector3.new(0,0,0)
	--script.Parent.AssemblyLinearVelocity = Vector3.new(0,0,0) I tried this too but it didn't work.

Before adding LinearVelocity:
Ekrano nuotrauka 2024-07-29 192646

Also if you try anchoring the MeshPart it wouldn’t move.

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Alright I figured it out, so I added collision groups and it worked.

Thank you for your help!

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