hello i have found some problems with your scripts and this could
help you alot
liek this
--you can make a function play to see if the part is hit and the name is t_skeei
function touched(hit)
if hit.Parent.Name = "t_skeei" then --checks if the hits name is t_skeei
script.Parent.CanCollide.ForStaff.DOOR = false
it basically checks the hit.Name and if it is t_skeei then it opens the door
if i understood correctly you are trying to make custom collisions for an exact person
so it would be like this
local whitelist = {"username",--[[you can add more]]}
local DoorCollisionToTurnOff = Instance
for i,whitelisted in pairs(whitelist) do
if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name == whitelisted then
DoorCollisionToTurnOff.Collision = false -- Change path
task.wait() -- suggested to be more fast
Edit : you need to make this a local script in starter gui and change the path selected of the door because it wont work if you dont
local whitelisted = "playername"
local door = game.Workspace.door
if hit.parent.Name == whitelisted
door.CanCollide = false