So, I’m currently remaking Blood Flow by Ender1709 [AKA Mortem Metallum.] and I wanna make the decapitations have the same result as Blood Flow decapitation. Basically, when you slice a head in Mortem Metallum, the head start rolling. I scripted the dismemberment, but I don’t know how to make the head start rolling. Any help is appreciated.
You’ll just need to make a script which gradually changes the position & orientation of the head part overtime, so slightly moving its x/z co-ordinate & then rotate it slightly as it rolls.
kinda old post but, theres an easier way to do that. Insert a LocalScript in StarterCharacterScripts, and put this in your code:
local head = script.Parent:WaitForChild('Head')
head.Size =, 1, 1)
head.Shape = Enum.PartType.Ball
and thats it, you dont need to gradually change the head position and orientation with time, i used the same method for my blood flow fan-made
Solved this last year, thank you for anyone who tried to help.
You can just do this to make not go up to a certain velocity.
local V3ZERO =
local V3ONE =
local LIMIT = V3ONE * 1000
-- Create collider
local Collider ="Part")
Collider.CFrame = Limb.CFrame
Collider.Shape = Enum.PartType.Sphere
Collider.Size = V3ONE
Collider.Transparency = 1
Collider.Parent = Limb
local Weld ="Weld")
Weld.Part0 = Limb
Weld.Part1 = Collider
Weld.Parent = Collider
-- Add force limits
local LimitLinear ="BodyVelocity")
LimitLinear.MaxForce = LIMIT
LimitLinear.Velocity = V3ZERO
LimitLinear.Parent = Collider
local LimitAngular ="BodyAngularVelocity")
LimitAngular.MaxTorque= LIMIT
LimitAngular.AngularVelocity = V3ZERO
LimitAngular.Parent = Collider
You can also tween or lerp the BodyAngularVelocity and BodyVelocity to slowly make the part have less velocity.
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