[solved] How to print a random index and his value from a module script

so im trying to get the index from a module script and print the index and his value, but idk how,
i search and try some methods but all is just value not index and value

(here the table from the module script btw):

local module = {
	["hello"] = 1;
	["itwasme"] = 2;
	["Menacing laugh"] = 3;
	["Yare yare daze"] = 4;
	["gang dance"] = 5;

return module

(and here is some of the methods that i try to use but only gets the index)

	local module = require(game.ServerScriptService.QuotesSlotsDS.EmoteList)

	local function toArray(dictionary)
		local result = {}
		for index, v in pairs(dictionary) do 
			table.insert(result, index)
		return result 

	local array = toArray(module) 

	local index = math.random(1, #array)
	local chosen = array[index]
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local module = {
	[1] = "hello",
	[2] = "itwasme",
	[3] = "Menacing laugh",
	[4] = "Yare yare daze",
	[5] = "gang dance",

return module

-------------- in another script

local randomIndex = math.random(1,#module)
local hisValue = module[randomIndex]

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i try it but gives this error, but i think that is just getting the index on the table, what i want to know is how to get an index on a table with HIS value

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you can use table.find(table, theValue)

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because your keys are strings and not integers you have to convert your keys into a numerical structure as follows:

local module = {
	["hello"] = 1,
	["itwasme"] = 2,
	["Menacing laugh"] = 3,
	["Yare yare daze"] = 4,
	["gang dance"] = 5

local keys = {}
for key, _ in pairs(module) do
	table.insert(keys, key)

local randomIndex = math.random(1, #keys)
local randomKey = keys[randomIndex]

I’ve written this all in the same script but you can still use the module format that you are utilizing with the proper edits.


well the print what i wanted was this

print(module[randomKey], randomKey)

but it does work, thanks buddy ^-^

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