I’m not an scripter so this is one of my first scripts I’m trying to make, and the script works at 50% in this moment.
The first part where it says Spins works, because when I select the spins option it gives me the spins in the correct string, but when I select the ArtSpins, it just gives me the spins the same string of Spins
My code
return function (_, players, stat: string, value: number, Spins, ArtSpins)
for _, player in pairs(players) do
local character = player.Character
if character then
local Spins = character:WaitForChild("Spins")
if Spins.Value ~= "none" then
local Spin = Spins
if Spin then
player.Character.Spins.Value = player.Character.Spins.Value + value
return ("Gave Spins to player."):format(#players)
local ArtSpins = character:WaitForChild("ArtSpins")
if ArtSpins.Value ~= "none" then
local ArtSpin = ArtSpins
if ArtSpin then
player.Character.ArtSpins.Value = player.Character.ArtSpins.Value + value
return ("Gave ArtSpins to player."):format(#players)
The first part works correctly, I just need help with the second one in the ArtSpins to apply to the correct value and not the first one.
This is how it looks inside the game, and the Spins works correctly not the ArtSpins.
From what I can see in your code, if the value of ArtSpins of any specific player is “none”, it wont give that player any more ArtSpins. Is that supposed to be happening?
edit: wait nvm misread
ok I see
See heres the thing: You never check wether the “stat” argument is “Spins” or “ArtSpins”. You just check if the “Spins” value in the player character is “None”, and if not, you give it spins and simply return. Thus, if the player has a “Spins” values (if not, it would error, you should check for its existance BEFORE checking for its value, not after) and that value is not “none”, then no matter if you’re trying to give spins or artspins, the player always gets spins and nothing else.
If the Spins value is none, then the player always gets ArtSpins no matter what.
The following code should work (I hope, because I can’t open studio rn)
return function (_, players, stat: string, value: number, Spins, ArtSpins)
for _, player in pairs(players) do
local character = player.Character
if character then
if stat == "Spins" then
local Spins = character:WaitForChild("Spins")
if Spins then
if Spins.Value ~= "none" then
player.Character.Spins.Value += value
return ("Gave Spins to player."):format(#players)
local ArtSpins = character:WaitForChild("ArtSpins")
if ArtSpins then
if ArtSpins.Value ~= "none" then
player.Character.ArtSpins.Value += value
return ("Gave ArtSpins to player."):format(#players)
This script is for a clan system, it actually works because when I use the command it shows me the clan list and I can select them, but when I select them I only can get the name of the folder, and not the clan selected.
return function (_, players, clanname, clans: string)
for _, player in pairs(players) do
local character = player.Character
if character then
local Clanfolder = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Clans")
local ClanValue = character:WaitForChild("Clan")
if ClanValue then
if ClanValue.Value ~= "none" then
local Clans = ClanValue
if Clans then
player.Character.Clan.Value = Clanfolder.Name
return ("Assigned clan to Player."):format(#players)
Nvm lol I can’t make a new post it says is similar to the last one.
well you are kinda setting the player.Character.Clan.Value (which is literally Clans, why dont you just do Calns.Value) to Clanfolder.Name, so why won’t it give you the name of the folder?
You should instead be setting it to Clanfolder[clanname], Clanfolder[clanname].Name, or Clanfolder[clanname].Value depending on what part of the objects in the Clans folder you want to get.
Firstly, Clans (or ClanValue, “Clans” is kinda useless lol) is literally just player.Character.Clan, they’re the same thing. Thus, Clans.Value and player.Character.Clan.Value should be the same thing as well.
(Unless its that goofy thing again and I forgot because I haven’t touched studios in months lol)
As for how to not get the folder name, gimme a second to read the cmdr documentation, since im pretty sure thats something related to cmdr itself.
ok wait first could you make the script print the “clanname” argument since I want to make sure if its really cmdr’s fault and not because you’re doing Clanfolder.Name
(just put “print(clanname)” right after the return function line)
I still suspect that the issue is that you’re doing Clanfolder.Name rather then Clanfolder[clanname].Name
(also im assuming that the “clanname” argument is what you select)
Yes. In that case, you should replace the line player.Character.Clan.Value = Clanfolder.Name with player.Character.Clan.Value = Clanfolder[clanname].Value
if my solution doesn’t work can you show me where and how you placed the print? (and try printing the clans variable instead. The lowercase one, not the uppercase one)
return function (_, players, clanname, clans: string)
for _, player in pairs(players) do
local character = player.Character
if character then
local Clanfolder = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Clans")
local ClanValue = character:WaitForChild("Clan")
if ClanValue then
if ClanValue.Value ~= "none" then
local Clans = ClanValue
if Clans then
player.Character.Clan.Value = Clanfolder.Name
return ("Assigned clan to Player."):format(#players)