[SOLVED] Int Value Not Increasing After Humanoid Has Died

When The Humanoid Has Died I want To Reward the Player with 25 Exp.

This Code Is Not Rewarding The Player After The Humanoid Has Died.

I am not getting any errors in the output

I do Have a folder named PlayerStats and an Exp Value spelled Exactly The Same so I don’t think anything is wrong with my spelling.

local NPC = script.Parent
local Humanoid = NPC:WaitForChild("Humanoid")

local RespawnTime = 1
local expGiven = 25

local PlayerAttacked = {}

local npc_Clone = NPC:Clone()
	-- This will be where we manage who attacked the NPC
	for _, players in pairs(Humanoid:GetChildren()) do
		if players:IsA("StringValue") then
			local PlayerFound = players:FindFirstChild(players.Name)
			if PlayerFound then
				local PlayerStats = PlayerFound:FindFirstChild("PlayerStats")
				if PlayerStats then
					local Exp = PlayerStats:FindFirstChild("Exp")
					if Exp then
						Exp.Value  += expGiven
	npc_Clone.Parent = workspace

Do you mean:

No but your comment did help me realize I never referenced the Player’s service so thanks.

local PlayerFound = Players:FindFirstChild(players.Name)* I needed two different player variables

but for some reason *its still not working

Edit: Nothing Was Wrong With The Script except me not having the two different players/Players variables. Besides that it was perfect. It was another code that I had to change. I had to make a string value and Had To Name It The Players.Name