[SOLVED] None of the 3 debounces work

Alright I literally have 3 debounces and I change the parent of the part that activates the script to workspace but the script still repeats itself. I have no idea whats going wrong, I placed debounces before every function but nothing works… Please help me

Here is the main part of the code that is being used (note I have a modulescript in which most of the functions are located)

elseif v.Name == "SinglePossibility" and detectorDebounce == "False" then
			detectorDebounce = "True"
			v.CanTouch = false
			v.CanQuery = false
			MainDetector = v
			local OGvParent = v.Parent
			v.Parent = workspace
			local FigureDetector = v.FigureDetector
			local jumpscarePossibilities = {}
			local chosenJumpscare

			for i, n in pairs(v.JumpscarePossibilities:GetChildren()) do
				table.insert(jumpscarePossibilities, n.Name)

			chosenJumpscare = jumpscarePossibilities[math.random(1, #jumpscarePossibilities)]
			print("Chosen "..chosenJumpscare)
				if vDebounce == "False" and chosenJumpscare == "shadowAppear" then

					vDebounce = "True"
					local character = hit.Parent
					local humanoid = character.Humanoid
					PlayerPart = character.HumanoidRootPart
					jumpscareData.shadowAppear(PlayerPart, v, FigureDetector, FigureDetector.FigurePos, "North", "North")
					PreviousJumpscare = chosenJumpscare
					v.TimesActivated.Value += 1
					vDebounce = "False"

				elseif vDebounce == "False" and chosenJumpscare == "objectThrown" then

					vDebounce = "True"
					local character = hit.Parent
					local humanoid = character.Humanoid
					PlayerPart = character.HumanoidRootPart
					jumpscareData.objectThrown(PlayerPart, v, FigureDetector, "Beans")
					PreviousJumpscare = chosenJumpscare
					v.TimesActivated.Value += 1
					vDebounce = "False"

				elseif vDebounce == "False" and chosenJumpscare == "shadowSighting" then

					vDebounce = "True"
					local character = hit.Parent
					local humanoid = character.Humanoid
					PlayerPart = character.HumanoidRootPart
					jumpscareData.shadowSighting(PlayerPart, v, FigureDetector.FigurePos, LightGroup, "North")
					PreviousJumpscare = chosenJumpscare
					v.TimesActivated.Value += 1
					vDebounce = "False"
			v.CanTouch = true
			v.CanQuery = true
			v.Parent = OGvParent
			detectorDebounce = "False"
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Don’t you need a wait() in between the VDebounce


it seems like he didn’t put task.wait(XSeconds) or wait(XSeconds) etc.

So it turns to False instantly which makes it work but since there are no waits, it doesn’t wait too


fixed it somehow, I used a completely different technique which first inserted all special detectors into a tabel and then I created 2 functions to turn on and off detector canTouch and in the end I used a i, v in pairs(detectortabel) to loop through all the detectors. Thanks for the help guys!

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