It’s been like this for a long time now, and I assumed it would be fixed so I didn’t say anything. But you can’t animate the torso using roblox animation editor:
When you have selected your character and clicked play it will proceed to print:
not found
not found
not found
not found
not found
not found
And then open the animation editor. You can animate all the limbs except Torso and Humanoidrootpart,
Please do fix quickly, that animation editor is fundamental in my game development.
It’d be fantastic to have this editor fixed again… it’s just such an awesome tool and a bit of polishing and feature additions could make it so much better.
[quote] You can sometimes fix this by restarting studio.
It’d be fantastic to have this editor fixed again… it’s just such an awesome tool and a bit of polishing and feature additions could make it so much better. [/quote]
Haven’t worked for at least one month. Restarting don’t help…
[quote] I’ve updated the AnimationEditor. It should remove some of the misleading Prints and should allow you to select the Torso more reliably now.
Get the latest version from “Manage Plugins” in Studio and reopen your place to see if this does indeed fix your issue. [/quote]
Thank you for your quick response! Really appriciate it
But it still doesn’t select torso. I can click on torso, and then open the character in animation editor. But once opened then I cant select torso again
Updated didnt fix it, but I reinstalled it and now it works!
I am MORE than abundantly greatful for your swift action and well needed aid!
I shall tell the other peasants of your mercies!! D: