[SOLVED] Roblox studio insane lag?

Wrong category since I cant upload to studiobugs

Ever since 2 weeks ago, Roblox studio just works great until when I open something like asset manager, chat, or toolbox for anything, for example, opening asset manager will cause Roblox studio to have insane amount of lag that gives my computer an heart attack. Until I close Roblox Studio and everything works fine. Is this just my problem?

Processor: i9-9900k
Storage: PNY CS900 240 SSD / Seagate Barracuda ST2000DM008 HDD

Follow up: 2 Videos, Top is when I didn’t clicked on anything, I can move my camera smoothly, and bottom video is when I clicked on something which causes the lag


Yes, It can literally lag my pc with those amount of specs so I don’t really know what to do to fix it, tried turning off VSync through Nividia Control panel, that didnt help, I reinstalled Roblox, that didn’t help either, my antivirus didn’t really cause lag either, so I don’t know.

I havent seen an issue like this before, you could assume its a hardware issue and not a software issue, however your pc has very good specs, so i doubt its a hardware issue.

Try the following:

  1. Opening a different place (Do you get the same lag?)

  2. Check your GPU Drivers are up-to-date, if not, update them.

  3. Make sure you only have 1 to 5 applications open while in studio, to use as little RAM and GPU Processing as possible.

  4. Wait for a studio update.

  5. Is Windows and Roblox installed on your HDD? HDDs are slow, and SSDs are faster, NVMe SSDs are where you would want to have games installed. (This probably isnt the problem, as it would only effect boot times)

  6. Your pc may not be getting enough power. Again, this most likely isnt the issue, but its possible.

  7. Disable most background recording software you may have enabled.

  8. Use the Windows Disk Cleanup Tool to get rid of pointless files, such as windows update files that arent being used anymore. I found that this has a slight effect of framerate.


Are there any new Plugins or Free models that you installed or used 2 weeks ago?
If you did then maybe have a look at those as sources of the issue.


Mmm, I doubt it would be since I didn’t really downloaded any plugins since the past 2 months. But thanks for the reply!

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Thanks! Option 3 seems to help since I had a lot of applications opened

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i may be late but another thing that helps is doing a disk check.

just open command prompt and type CHKDSK /F

if it says it is locked, open it as administrator and type the same thing.

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I have the same issue her but resetting my amd user profile fixes the 12fps frame cap

Stated having the same issue. Updated my drivers and it kind of fixed it. Roblox is still super stuttery. It wasn’t like this less than a week ago.

I read the dudes steps and none of them were necessary for my case except a drivers update. BTW it’s only roblox studio that’s giving me a hard time. Everything else is perfectly fine.

RTX 4070 TI
2 X 16gb (3600 MHZ)

This exact problem is happening to me, but its only when I drag something within roblox. Such as a GuiObject or BasePart.
It seems there isn’t really a fix for this type of lag though. Roblox studio was perfectly fine before and out of no where it just lagged really bad. Happens on each place, checked the plugins, checked it on another roblox studio account, and it isn’t even my device since i know it ran PERFECTLY fine.

edit with some extra details:
when i interact with most studio utilities like inserting an object in the DataModel hiearchy, moving a BasePart, dragging GuiObjects, etc; i get less than 10 FPS :tired_face:. this suddenly happens to me once and every while and its FRUSTRATING.

super duper must know edit: ↓↓

so i remember that i was trying to troubleshoot the Roblox Studio crashing on loading startup
and remembered that i checked the Run in compatibility mode for Windows 7 tick setting in the RobloxStudioBeta.exe file and it seems to run better but i still get HORRIBLE performance when dragging stuff (30 fps from 60 fps) when interacting with most of Roblox Studio utilities and features.

Press f11 to full screen. That works for me idk why but my friends increase by like 30fps


for some reason it doesn’t work for me (idk why tho)

Your roblox studio graphics settings might be set to something odd, go to file > studio settings > rendering > graphics mode > automatic, that should hopefully help

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I’ve started to have this issue again as well. I originally fixed it by swapping from graphics mode Automatic to Vulkan, but it’s come back again, and no other mode seems to fix it.

Something I had noticed while looking for a fix is that the framerate improves or degrades depending on what windows you have open. So having the toolbox, terrain, and animation editor windows open will drop it down to 15 frames, but closing them all will bring it up to 30.

Someone had mentioned that removing Roblox’s built-in plugins improves the framerate (and it does!), but doing that removes your ability to access the toolbox and other different tools.

I’m guessing Roblox messed up something with their plugins that horribly affects performance, so hopefully they’ll be able to get that fixed up soon.