[SOLVED] Rope Bridge Problems

I have been trying to build a rope bridge, and it just keeps shaking then disappearing when I join game to test it. I have tried to put less rope strands, make an entirely different layout, etc. Does anyone know how to fix this? I have video example below.



Are the parts anchored? Somehow it glitches for me when it roped many times.

Perhaps you should add some parts which have a BodyPosition and set its target Position to where it should be, and then play with the other parameters.

The MaxForce property should be something like

local f = part.Mass * game.Workspace.Gravity
bodyPosition.MaxForce = Vector3.new(f * 0.5, f * 1.5, f * 0.5) 

Try to experiment with different rope lengths.

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May you show how you’ve rigged the attachments/ropes?

No, only the outer parts are anchored. I made sure only to use the ropes I needed.

Any suggestions to what parts?

It’s using the create tool. There is a rope option.

I recomend tis plugin for the ropes:

Try anchoring the whole bridge and lowering the length because when it’s unachored it wil go all over the place! Try selecting the whole bridge part and using a different material.


  • What material are you using?
  • When did this issue happen?
  • Did you unachored the part you walk on?

(More questions added after the following are answered)

Could you post an image of the bridge in studio with constraints visible please?

It seems like all the ropes have a rope length that is too small. Roblox physics aren’t the best for cases like this, so you might be better off using a rope plugin and anchoring the parts for this situation.

Yes, the boards. Make the boards have some BodyPosition and/or BodyGyro support.

Also, make sure the rope lengths are appropriate and not too small once they have weight on them. Finally, consider using Rods for some of the linkage versus Ropes – it might help.

ps. I have built elaborate rope bridges that are run and that do work nicely.

I had this same struggle, I will show mine later when I can. For this issue in the video you want to make sure your type length isn’t too short in properties, you will know if they are if it turns red.