Hey, devs!
I’m making a Minecraft-like voxel game and working on a block placement system.
This is my local script function to calculate the snapped pos from the hitPosition
function getGridPosition(hitPosition)
local gridPosition = Vector3.new(
math.round(hitPosition.X / 4) * 4,
math.round(hitPosition.Y / 4) * 4,
math.round(hitPosition.Z / 4) * 4
return gridPosition
I have a problem that sometimes it rounds badly and the position is wrong.
Does anybody see some problem in that function?
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What do you mean by rounding badly? Could you post a image or video of it
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The problem was about having the right offset near to the camera:
fixed code:
function getGridPosition(hitPosition)
hitPosition = hitPosition:Lerp(camera.CFrame.Position, 0.02)
local OFFSET = 0.5
local gridPosition = Vector3.new(
math.floor(hitPosition.X / 4 + OFFSET) * 4,
math.floor(hitPosition.Y / 4 + OFFSET) * 4,
math.floor(hitPosition.Z / 4 + OFFSET) * 4
return gridPosition
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