[Solved] The place you are trying to teleport to is restricted

So I am trying to get the player to teleport to a different place but it keeps saying the title

what’s weird was I was able to do this before I just can’t now?


local repStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local tpEvent = repStorage:WaitForChild("tp")

local tp = game:GetService("TeleportService")

	tp:Teleport(10456225557, plr)

I think I heard something recently about making sure the place you are teleporting to has some kind of permission turned on.
Can’t be sure where the setting is though.

try to use TeleportAsync instead.
also make sure that Allow Third Party Teleports is set to true.

local repStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local tpEvent = repStorage:WaitForChild("tp")

local tp = game:GetService("TeleportService")

I did both of them and It still didn’t work :frowning_face:

Bumping this as I am still facing this issue :sob:

Make sure you go to the place your teleporting to and click Publish to Roblox this has worked for me a few days ago.

Thanks I had to publish my place and it let me tp to it!

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