[SOLVED] Tools Not Working Correctly For CustomCharacter

:star_struck:Hello everyone, hope you had a “Happy New Year”! I’m trying to make a rat hold a piece of cheese but have run into an issue where whenever the starter character (rat) tries to equip a tool, it doesn’t work properly and instead the tool just drops to the floor. But you can still equip and unequip it.

So far I’ve looked across Youtube, the forums, and have tried to fix the issue myself but nothing has worked. Either not specific enough or doesn’t solve my specific problem.

I’ve been having this issue for a few days now and have just been ignoring it by not using a StarterCharacter at all, but I have to fix the problem if I want to continue the project I’m working on.

:rat::cheese::+1: Hope you guys can help me on this one!

(the rat says hi)


Sorry, here’s the videos and screenshots:

robloxapp-20240102-1113071.wmv (2.7 MB)

(srry you have to download video)
(and click on the grey box [what it shows on my screen] to see the screenshot)

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Put a space between right and arm and test it

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That didn’t seem to fix it :confused:

(DevForums require you to have at least thirty letters)

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mannn i need help on this one :sob:

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If you want to, can you send the model so I can try fixing it?

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Sure I guess, just hold on a second…

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Alr, here’s the model. It comes with a little script thingy that you can check out.

RatCharacter.rbxm (9.9 KB)

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Sorry for the very late response, I couldn’t get the tools to work for your model so I tried making a custom model to see if it works there. Turns out making a custom rig hold a tool has been a problem for years. Sadly, I cannot provide you with the solution but if I do figure it out before you do, I’ll be sure to notify you.

One solution that I don’t really like is just placing the mouse model inside a default rig but…

This is what happens with the bad solution…

It is very annoying to adjust the tool to fit where you want it to be and you have to change the camera offset. If you’re going to use this solution, make sure you weld the extra parts to a part (like the torso) of the default rig.

Yeah, it doesn’t seem very customizable and it makes it almost impossible for the rat to have animations. But that’s unfortunate…

I think this is what you want to make?

Yeah, that actually works. How’d you do it?

There are three things you did wrong:

  1. Please next time unless you script your own character script, never name anything with a space. That’s is a general culture by now, instead name things like this “LeftHand” or “RightHand”.

  2. If you are using roblox default character script, you need to put an attachment to both hand and name it “RightGripAttachment” or “LeftGripAttachment”.

  3. Next time when you are making a character that uses the roblox default character script, please refer to a roblox rig to help you make the character correctly.

Here the fixed file:
RatCharacter.rbxm (10.4 KB)


Huh, well I already knew the first one, but someone told me that I should put a space to try and fix the issue. But I guess that explains why that didn’t work.

Well, guess you properly flipped me right-side-up on the correct way to create a StarterCharacter. Never knew after all how complicated it is to create one that uses Roblox’s default character scripts… Either way, thanks a lot for helping me finally assert this!

(Also I’m lucky you did this just in time because this project I’m trying to create is due tomorrow…!)

If my post solved your problem, please mark it as solution to help future Devs navigate the solution easier.

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Ahhh, sorry. Almost forgot to do that.

Once again, great thanks for the help and hope you have a great day : )

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