[Solved] Unable to specify sound search filters in Toolbox for sound assets longer than 7 minutes


When looking for sound/music assets for my game in the toolbox, I discovered that there are quite a few sound assets exceeding the limit of 7 minutes. Some assets are in excess of 30 minutes, and I found one that was 54 minutes. The problem is that the length filter in the toolbox does not allow one to enter a length greater than 7 minutes. To be honest, I was quite surprised to find Beethoven’s 9th symphony, 4th movement (Commonly known as “Ode to Joy”) in the toolbox, complete with vocals.

Additional Information

Parameter Value
Problem Area Studio
Problem Component Toolbox
First Noticed Tonight: 22 Dec 2023
Impact Minor
Annoyance Level Minor

I do have plugins and some beta features active, but they don’t apply to this issue. The impact of this issue is such that many longer assets may go undiscovered and are underutilized in games because they don’t show up if someone specifies the length filter.


What I expect to happen is to be able to specify length ranges for assets in the toolbox which exceed the 7 minute limit.



  1. Open Studio
  2. Open the toolbox.
  3. Make the following search:
    A. Search Text: Classical
    B. Sort Order: Longest to Shortest
    C. Creator: Roblox
  4. Observe Results.

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

Hi @Maelstorm_1973, thanks for the detailed bug report!

The 7 minute limit is intentional. It is meant to match the maximum length of an audio track users can upload to Roblox. The audio files you have found that are longer than 7 mins were uploaded before we strictly enforced this limitation.

That being said, these audio assets can still be found via search and filtering. Even though they do not comply with our updated standards we will still keep them around for the foreseeable future.

So it is working as intended. Very well then. Thanks for letting me know.

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