[SOLVED] Vignette not appearing for anyone else except me

Hey everyone, I hope all is well. I was working on a game and I made a white vignette so I could modify the colours of it and all. The reason why I wanted this feature is that when I unlock a power-up during my run, the vignette colour changes accordingly via ImageLabel3. The vignette was working fine when it was black (as in the image itself, not via ImageLabel3.

Now for some reason, it’s only working on my client and studio. No one else’s, not even my alt account.

This is the image that I made:

What’s supposed to happen:

What’s happening:

Any reason why? Thanks. :slight_smile:

Where is your vignette located?

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Hey, so I never really mentioned this (because DevForum was down at the time) but the issue got resolved! The problem was that the asset was still not moderated yet. Though, thanks for the concern regardless! :slight_smile:

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