What do you want to achieve?
I want to create an image for a dev product however I don’t know the correct sizing.
What is the issue?
I don’t know what size the dev product image should be as it doesn’t tell me on the website.
What solutions have you tried so far?
I have looked on Google to try and find a solution, although I couldn’t find any relating to my issue.
It is my first time creating a dev product, sorry if I seem like a total noob.
420x420 pixels. (1:1 aspect ratio)
This is the largest size on Roblox’s thumbnail database.
Oh, thanks alot for the information!
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I know this has already been marked as solved, but you can find the sizes on the
Game Passes - One-Time Purchases article. (DevProducts and GamePasses use the same sizes)
You can look at Enum.ThumbnailSize for a list of all supported thumbnail sizes (no explanations on which sizes to use for which thing, though.)
Try searching before making posts!
Oh okay, thanks for the help. Will do next time.
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ROBLOX will take for the most part any image that’s in a 1:1 aspect ratio and resizes it accordingly, as long as it doesn’t have an obnoxiously large file size.
I’ve uploaded badges ranging from 150x150 to 1000x1000 and everything worked out fine.
In the case that it does say the file is too large data wise just go online and find a compressor.
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(post marked for deletion for privacy reasons)
What error message is it giving you?
I’m using an image of size 420x420 but this is how the previews looking,
Was wondering why you think this may be and if you’ve got any suggestions?