(Solved) When exporting an FBX mesh into roblox from blender some faces become invisible

(in blender)
(in roblox)

like the title said, the faces become invisible, i have tried things from triangulating faces to recalculating outside normals, but one thing thats weird is that, when i try to import it as a MeshPart the missing faces becomes visible, unlike what happened when i try to import it with “Import 3D”

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i dont know why it happened but i just checked the normals and the “ring” that had its faces missing were looking weird so i just deleted it, copied one of the rings below and placed it exactly in the same spot and it fixed it.

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This can also be fixed by enabling the double sided property.


double sided property often breaks the lighting of the object and cause weird shade effects, make sure to check the normals in blender


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