Hello everyone,
I am trying to make a catalog UI, for this I have tried to break down already created ones but I am not able to make out their part.
I have a few questions, How would I get a category of items from the roblox catalog, for example lets take Faces. How would I be able to get their image, and how would I load the thousands of faces.
Till now I have tried to get them to load one by one manually so I can get to know how but it just isnt viable for a actual game.
If anyone can direct me to any resources or could help me out here would be great!
Thanks in advance!
I am not just looking for a selling gui, I am looking for something that can help me categorize and get the whole of the roblox catalog (Like the avatar creator).
I have tried working this out, I am trying to get the roblox catalog but the value I am getting in return is 0.
local httpserv = game:GetService("HttpService")
local CatalogUrl = "https://catalog.RoProxy.com/v1/search/items/details?Category=11"
local GetItem = httpserv:GetAsync(CatalogUrl)
local ReturnTable = httpserv:JSONDecode(GetItem)
Here I am getting 0 after printing the table. Have I done something wrong in the URL? Any help would be helpful.