Update Logs - 1.05
January 6, 2017
New Content
- Added spells alohomora and it's opposite colloportus (only works on classroom doors at the moment)
- Added spell ebublio (makes a bubble around target) and discutio (destroys shields)
- Added spell aparecium (reveals hidden objects - around a dozen objects are currently hidden).
- Bombarda is now a smaller, explosion for all wands
- Added liberacorpus, expelliarmus, alohomora, aparecium, and colloportus to training spells.
- Confringo and expulso fixed
- Expelliarmus changed to temporarily remove tools
- Students that are 2nd year and above AND have a gamepass will have 10% more damage and 25% more defense.
- Training wands added and have 50% slower cooldowns, 20% less damage, and 25% less penetration ability.
- Aguamenti now puts out fire and incendio brings the fire back
- Various tweaks and changes
Coming Soon
- Incarcerous, polyjuice potion, felix felicis, potion of invisiblity, and an upcoming holiday-potion. Flying, special abilities, perks, and a few new spells also coming soon.
Update Logs - 1.0
January 1, 2017
New Map!
- New map! Meridion reveal to celebrate launch.
- Spell system introduced.
- Sorting Stones introduced.