Some admin accidentally locked TextureTrail (used in Dued1's Pizza Place)

The yellow arrows aren’t there when you’re delivering a pizza anymore.

This place shows a TextureTrail whose properties were set in studio, then uploaded fine. Starting [at most] a few days ago, the following 4 properties of TextureTrail were locked for no reason and can’t be created with scripts anymore:

TextureTrail.From (part)
TextureTrail.To (part)

Further reading [for the missing wiki properties]:

sucks cus I was using this

AFAICT From/To/Texture/Velocity were never scriptable in the first place. We have not made changes to this class in a while…

P.S. Can you uncopylock Testing: YGO Battle City V2 - Roblox ?

[strike]K uncopylocked.[/strike] Edit: Locked it again because the post was removed and I assume that means you got it.

It was made with this code in studio, for quick reference

local part ='Part',workspace) part.Anchored = true part.Position =, 14, 18) tt ='TextureTrail',workspace) tt.From = workspace.BasePlate tt.To = part tt.Texture = 'rbxassetid://69359534' tt.Velocity = 10

Edit: Dued1 could’ve been using floorwire but now I’m not sure anymore. Anyway, I’d love for texturetrail to be useable again because it doesn’t share floorwire’s annoying jumping-bending characteristic.

Or we could just get a FloorWire.SnapToFloor property.

Or just make your own.

It wouldn’t be too difficult to create your own “TextureTrail” object. Just use invisible parts with BillboardGuis. Then just tween the parts from A to B.

[quote] Or just make your own.

It wouldn’t be too difficult to create your own “TextureTrail” object. Just use invisible parts with BillboardGuis. Then just tween the parts from A to B. [/quote]

No offense but


That would get laggy without the C-sided code