Some (Angel) Wings animations Landing (w rotation) hiding wings away landing front view flying

Feedback for any improvements is helpful
I will take the tips/feedback and use it for other projects I’m currently working on


Wow! You’re amazing at animating. My suggestion is to make the wings flap faster when flying.

Can I ask how you were able to animate the wings? Did you create the wings in blender? I’d also like to suggest that maybe they should be a bit bigger, because from the front, it’s somewhat noticeable as opposed to the back, which is completely noticeable and looks nice. Just a thought

wings were made in blender
then exported as each own wing part aka pain
then i rigged the wings aka even more pain
then exported it back to blender aka even more pain since the rig 99% of the time refused to coop with me so i had to rerig it like 5 times aka pain
and if i resize them it wont be rly be one issue since it applies to every scale
and when i animated them i had to move each part on its own aka even more pain

and i think overall it took me 2h each for one full animation

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