Some cool pictures of our western open world project

Put together a cool little compilation of some community made screenshots from my main project
(early paid access western game)

We’ve got a long ways to go on the map still but it’s coming together and it’s always awesome seeing what people post and how enthralled they are into our game world

Can’t wait until the map is opened and detailed completely and for free to play and base building to come :slight_smile:

Here’s the game link if you’re interested :slight_smile:
Currently in paid access because it’s a big work in progress but we’ll be going free to play eventually

The Wild West - Roblox?


They shows a lot the great work that the game has, I love well-developed ROBLOX games, especially those that have custom characters, because they tend to look like a non-ROBLOX game. I’ll play the game and wait for the free to play version to come out.


All I can say is WOW :scream:!

This project has extreme potential. Everything in the map (from the rocks to the mountains) seem really well made. I really like how your team decided to use low poly meshes, but still decided to add materials and textures to them. I believe that looks fantastic.

Just some quick questions:
  1. How large is the entire map (the terrain)? Is it the max it can be? This seems like a huge place!
  2. How are players not going to get FPS drops from this? Have you and your team came to base your mechanics around this?
  3. I notice that you are referring to this as a “project”, so is this going to end at “project” or is this going ahead to be a fully made game? The latter seems very possible to do and it would be a terrific game to play!
  1. What type of additions are you and your team going to incorporate still? I am just asking because from the looks of it, the map seems just about finished.

I can clearly imagine how this project can bloom into a huge thing! I personally love quality games like this and I believe players will also feel the same. Good luck to you and your team on this project!


Thanks! To answer some of your questions(a lot of info sorry)

How large is the entire map (the terrain)?

The map is about 4k studs(although a lot is still inaccessible/yet to be made). This is roughly the same size as jailbreak for reference, perhaps a little larger. (We also have a ton of cave/cavern systems around the map so that also makes it technically a fair bit larger)

Is it the max it can be?

For now, most likely. We have a lot of assets and systems in the game including wildlife, trains, grass, weather, and general assets and props. We have to fight roblox very hard to get it to perform and run well with this size of a map so expanding it is not worth the effort.

Not to mention, we’re at the size where we still feel like the world feels massive, but it isn’t too large to where you’ll never run into people.

How are players not going to get FPS drops from this?

FPS drops are an issue for very low end devices but we haven’t hit any major performance issues for the majority of players yet. (You won’t be able to play this on your old iphone though unless we do some major streaming optimizations and cut down on memory usage because our game has a ton of unique assets).

Meshes and (hopefully soon?) models have automatic LOD switching which helps a lot with how many assets/entities we have in the game. Most performance issues typically relate to memory and server physics, the latter will be optimized more once we re-do wildlife and make it entirely client sided with server syncs

Most of our code base is fairly well optimized , everything limits itself to only take x amount of ms to complete(quality auto scales with your machine). We’re also taking good measures to ensure network performance is as best as it can be. We compress most information sent to and from the server into the least amount of bytes possible. This is necessary for us because there are some tasks/systems such as ragdolls that we have to send and receive data to frequently since we decided against using roblox’s default physics replication for a much smoother experience

Have you and your team came to base your mechanics around this?

We’ve spent a long time thinking about game design and how the map will influence gameplay. We try to make sure that there’s nothing in the world that’s pointless, secret caverns to explore will actually have things of value such as rare ores you can mine, treasure chests(soon), as well as areas you can set up a base/camp.

The struggle with a map this large will always be trying to make sure people are still playing together. Bronze City(currently the only city in the game) is naturally a big social hub. I can’t answer too much about this right now since we’re still unfinished.

I notice that you are referring to this as a “project”, so is this going to end at “project” or is this going ahead to be a fully made game?

Probably poor wording on my part. We do want this to be a complete game with retention, a lot of progression, and endless things to do. We’re mostly inspired by Red Dead Redemption 2 of course, but also some older western titles that used to exist on roblox back in the day.

We’re making great progress, at the moment we’re just adding some big retention mechanics and steadily completing the map and fixing performance issues. We’ll then start to creep more toward free to play once we feel the game is sustainable.

What type of additions are you and your team going to incorporate still? I am just asking because from the looks of it, the map seems just about finished.

There’s still about a third of the map that is currently inaccessible(blocked off with invisible walls). That is the large desert biome and the tall mountain biome. That’s what we’re working on to complete right now, then we’ll most likely polish up existing areas and create the border regions.


Your game looks very good indeed. I congratulate you on the level of professionalism that you have achieved. Your terrain structure is very beautiful. Overall, your game looks excellent and you should be very proud of the high level that you have achieved. Well done to you and your team. :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

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I’ve played the game and I think it’s perfect, and it is only gonna get better, but I’m afraid of the shutdown :disappointed_relieved:. Do you guys have any prevision of when it’s gonna be the shutdown? Just so I can know when to celebrate the last minutes or days of the game with the community we have now in the game :smirk:

Not quite sure what you’re saying. The free to play launch? We’re aiming for spring

Looks insane man, I love to see the work of other developers and how they progress during their investments in the game!
This game really gives me like red dead redemption vibes and I wish you good luck in making your game even better!


This game looks wonderful. It reminds me of Red Dead Redemption except in the Roblox version :smiley:


Pfft Red Dead Redemption is a low quality rip off of our game lets be real


5 posts were merged out for being off-topic

Once this game is released, I will a hundred percent play it! Just by looking at the images shows how much effort you put onto making the map look beautiful and great.
Keep working on your progress guys!

Howdie, I’ve been playing this game for a bit (and i love it) my one and only problem i have is the amount of annoying outlaws that just camp the camps(ironic). I feel like a lot of the time im scurrying to get out before i get lasso’d and dragged off a cliff or executed which in return makes the experience a little less relaxing. Some spawn changes would be a little welcoming other than that its awesome!

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Just played it, and all I gotta say is:

Damn, another game going and changing the standards of Roblox game development forever!


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I was pretty blown away playing this. Everything from equipping custom clothing to riding horseback is so fluid, and the sense of nature you get roaming around the map is quite intoxicating.

This game is definitely gonna turn some heads upon official release. Awesome job to you and your team @tyridge77!


Are you making a red dead redemption put into roblox or something?! This looks amazing!!

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That’s the primary inspiration yes :slight_smile: (as well as other old roblox western games)

We’re also going to be taking a lot of inspiration from Rust and Booga Booga soon too.

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@tyridge77 , how did you manage to make the map fit seamlessly? Did you set up baseplates and then use the part to terrain plugin to help organize everything? Would love to know. Been following your work for a long time!