Some decals suddenly not rendering correctly (wrong size or not visible)

Reproduction Steps

All you have to do to repro this is put a certain decal+part on your screen. Only happens to some decals. Does not happen in ViewPortFrames.

For us, first noticed decals are on some police vehicles.

Expected Behavior

I expect the decals to show up on the car as they always have. Fully sized to the length of the mesh part. Below are screenshots of cars with expected behavior.


Crown Vic:


Actual Behavior

The decals are sometimes sized incorrectly or not visible at all.


Crown Vic:


Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Display
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-09-28 about noon PT


More info: This happened suddenly today without us changing anything in our game. Many (possibly all) users experience this currently. Possibly due to a Roblox flag.

Game link: Emergency Response: Liberty County - Roblox


This is most likely due to unstable asset loading. Sometimes the textures just fail.

Possibly related overlying issue:


Can confirm this issue, I am experiencing decals that will load fine in one session, but when I close the game and then rejoin, the same decals suddenly aren’t loading in.


To update, the vehicles look fine in a viewport frame. When in workspace, they do not. It’s even that way in studio.


Thanks for the report. I filed a ticket to our internal database.


This has also been an issue with one of my friends who’s a UV Mapper and Livery Designer. He hasn’t found a solution to it though.


This really affects us, livery designers that use the decal method for displaying them. A fix would be appreciated: :pray:


Same thing happens to the in game meshes, the mini map (sometimes the image for the map is just the postal codes, the entire background disappears!), and even one session I joined ERLC and the traffic light meshes did not load so I could not tell red from green.

Rejoining always fixed my issues however.


@mrfergie Roblox avatars using the classic shirts and pants and T-shirts are failing to display too or they often display very blurry in most servers. Also the game leaderboards and Roblox menu are also showing blurry as well as all of a games decals game-wide on all games or they dont display at all. It’s a rather disruptive bug,


@mrfergie We have identified the issue.

the root issue was a not-a-number (NaN) that somehow ended up in the vertex stream, which cause the decal projection logic to fail. We have put in a work around for this issue (which we verified with the provided repro case). The work around will require no effort on your part and the decals should just start working again as is. The work around will make it in the release for next week, and then we will flip the flag to enable it.

In the mean time we will look into how the source data ended up with a NaN, and figure out any underlying issue, but at least you should be unblocked once the fix is in.


As for the other reports of ‘similar’ issues by other uses.

It would be helpful to provide repro cases, or at least more information on what exactly you mean. As most of the descriptions here do not have enough information to be actionable.

Will the fix correct all NaN issues? Or should we also send you the van and other effected vehicles if it’s on a per-vehicle basis. Thanks again for looking into it.


We have tested it on the 3 vehicles listed in the original screenshot and it works there. And based on the nature of the algorithm we would believe it would fix other cases as well.

If this is however important to you it might be worth it to send us a vehicle test scene with the vehicles you want verified and we can check it.


Gotcha. I’ll work on getting a baseplate of all vehicles with decals on for your viewing/testing and send it to your DM. Appreciate the updates.


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