Some feedback for my first gamepass icon!

Hi everyone, I just made my first gamepass logo VIP in Figma, but I don’t like the diamond and the colors :grimacing: If anyone has any feedback, I’d love to hear it!



The crown needs to be more brightly colored. I don’t quite know how to fix the diamond but it definitely needs to change


This gamepass icon looks great! Good job on it! I think it looks good! What game will it be used in? How long did it take to make the gamepass icon?


i think its good but it feels to flat


Looks good, but needs to be more bright.
The diamond is decent. Something about it feels off though.


Looks a little out of place the crown but it looks good other than that.

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Looks really good, but as other people have pointed out the diamond looks off, maybe make it a different colour because yellow and pink are (basically) at opposite ends of the colour wheel. Maybe add an outline for it too? Or maybe not.


I agree that the diamond looks off. Maybe you could try making it slimmer or making the rounding on the corners of it more noticeable so that it blends better with the spikes on the crown. Since the colours on the rest of the crown are pretty flat, you could also try removing the colour gradient on the diamond to make it more consistent. You could also try adding some smaller jewels under the two smaller spikes on the sides of the crown to give the big diamond a bit of context for being there.

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I tried remaking it, didn’t turn out that great but I guess it shows what improvements I was calling for


Wow, thanks everyone for all the comments and tips! I really appreciate it and will try to implement as many of your suggestions as possible to improve the icon! :blush:

@Magpies303: Thank you so much for designing that beautiful icon! And I will add a outline to the diamond!

@agentphilip07: Thanks for asking! I worked on it for about half an hour and it will be part of my new game Firewall Simulator (not out yet). This game is actually one of my first real projects, so I am excited about it!

Thanks again for your support! :sparkling_heart:

The crown got brighter but the background or whatever it’s called didn’t.

Diamond looks better. Perhaps add an outline.
Just realised you’re not the OP. Oh well.