Your build looks really good, i like all the different details you. added to your current project. And the shape and details are on point however. There is a couple of things i’ll add to your! building to make it look more better and more, decent the colors you implement. On your project looks very incredible!!
For the entrance area you want. To add a lot of different details to the building to make it look more better. I’ll add some chairs, tables, trees, bushes, flowers, ect. On the outside part so people can sit on the outside area! as well, you could add some potted plants, next to the door area just to give it some decoration to it. I would suggest you add some parking lots so people can enter the building, to get what they need and add some lights, on the building to. Give it some details as well the logo, of the cafe in the middle of the door part! As showed below this is how the exterior looks like on the outside area.
Reference Exterior
As well you could add some double doors, with frames around i know that’s still in progress.
The windows you added on your building don’t have any dividers on them. I would recommend you implement some on the tall, windows make them go across so the! windows can be like square parts as showed above different “Coffee Buildings” have those kind of details. On the window parts to not look plain! Overall i see you added the frame part.
Inside Part
The inside area of the building, doesn’t seem to have no details in the inside part. As i said above it’s still in progress, however you could add some! chairs, tables, tree plants, lights, coffee bags, menu board, shelves, counter top, ect. To give it some decorations in the inside part as well to fill it up more however. These are just ideas to add inside your coffee, building to look more better and to get people interested. To see what kind of coffee you have in mind!!
Here is a couple of equipment. Your “BloxLand Coffee” needs to make all those different kinds of coffees, you could use some of these inside your building to look more decent and to fill the counter top as well!!
- Espresso Machine
- Espresso Grinder
- Regular Coffee Grinder
- Coffee Brewers
- Decanters, Airpots
- Blenders
- Iced Tea Brewers, Iced Tea Dispensers
Overall, you have done a really good job on. Your build looks really good and detailed can’t wait to see more of your work very soon. And the final product of your coffee, building hope to see the improvements you added to it!!