Some games not coming up on Top Rated page?

My game(The Conquerors 3 BETA) is 63rd on Top Rated in the main game page, but when you go on the infinite scrolling Top Rated page, it cant be found. Upon closer inspection, I see the thumbnail links skip from …Position=60, to …Position=67. My game should be in there somewhere. Why is the Position variable moving forward by 7 and why isn’t my game(or several before/after mine, according to the main game page) on there?

Happens often. Check again in 15 minutes.

Yeah the game wasn’t there two hours ago, and I was refreshing it hours ago on my puffin mobile browser(it shows pc compatible games unlike mobile chrome/safari), and it was showing nothing at all. I still don’t get why it skips 7 positions though.

See it’s still not on there because it falls between 60th and 67th position. Any staff know if this is an error or on purpose?

This is still a bug:

Why does the front page slider bar show the games without missing any, but on the actual page dedicated to popular, top earning, etc, games in 61th-66th position are gone? Same for 126th-133rd and onwards.

Can confirm, it’s effecting my game too. (Sorry for big pictures)

Top rated in the “Sci fi” sort

Top rated on the normal sort

You can see my game i nowhere to be found in between the star wars and impulse games.

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Can we get a staff member acknowledging this? It would appear to be a simple bug: when you load the next portion of the page, it incorrectly assumes how much you just loaded so it skips 6 of them.