Some Gui buttons do not work on mobile

Having wanting to make our game compatible with all platforms, we want all buttons to work functional no matter what plateform you might be on

However, buttons that are inside a scrolling frame (eg. in a shop) do not work. We use activated on all buttons to insure that it works for mobile.

I looked on the developer forum but haven’t found anything that is a solution to my problem, I’m assuming this is a problem with scrolling frames and mobile but I might be wrong.

Thanks! :slight_smile:


what type of input event are you using inside the buttons that detect if it was clicked?

I mentioned before, we use Button.Activated

try replacing it with MouseButton1Click.

edit: is the Activate property in the buttons turned on? if they are, try turning it off and see if the Activated event will work.

If we turned off the activate property it wouldn’t work for pc. And I’m almost certain that MouseButton1 click won’t work for mobile, but I’ll try

have you tested if it works on pc if you turn it off?

I’m 99% sure MouseButton1Click works for mobile, I use it in my game.

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did you turn active on


I remember that I changed some buttons to “Down” not “Click” even though not the best solution.

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I figured out MouseButton1Down and MouseButton1Up worked for me. Thanks for the helps guys!


Now this is occurring once again, but this time on a Roblox game we are developing called Bunker.PSD, I noticed that the group is filling with people talking about the mobile GUI isn’t working anymore, which makes me surprised, I even tested it myself, on PC, all button was working absolutely fine! But when I switched to mobile, none of the buttons worked, so I look up to a topic about fixing this issues, I do not know why this bug happens, it’s random for some reason, I found this topic and found out you need to replace MouseButton1Click with MouseButton1Down, I tried it, and it worked for mobile now! Nothing changed much on PC, now I have 1 more problem:

Now our game Bunker.PSD has Textbox, now the thing is the Textbox isn’t working too! pressing it on mobile does nothing, but just doing 1 click on PC works fine, now if anyone can help me, I want to find a way to make a script that will let you type in the textbox with mobile keyboard popping up by using a script, yes I used CaptureFocus() function, this function forces the client to focus on the Textbox, but now when I used this function, the mobile keyboard pops up not even just 1 second, it already disappear, now the Textbox is preventing me from interacting it and letting us type a text inside it, I will be appreciated if you guys can help me making a solution to this bug! It’s extremely annoying that most mobile players cannot join Multiplayer due to the Textbox not working properly.

Here is the game where the bug is occurring:

Thank you for reading and I hope I explained every single information you need.

I don’t think you should bump a 7 month old thread.

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You should be creating a new thread for this but anyway…

Have you tried adopting Activated as opposed to MouseButton1Click/MouseButton1Down? If you need to know if someone is holding an object down or if they’ve just released it, use InputBegan and InputEnded.


Alright, i will try that, thanks

Sometimes you just want to revive an old thread, but well i will creating a new thread later