I need to create a custom camera system (to override the core camera system, due to certain features I need), however I am not the most efficient when it comes to Cameras, and less CFrames. So essentially I’ve tried this:
And yeah, it errors (Rotation cannot be assigned to, probably because I don’t know how CFrames work). Don’t know what to do next. Again, I’m not really the best at CFrames.
The only thing I would like to achieve now is to get a camera that rotates as much as the mouse moves (delta), and I’ll do the rest, which is custom sensitivity.
This will rotate the camera, but probably not how OP wants. First of all, the pitch axis (looking up/down) is the X axis, and yaw (side to side) is the Y axis, so the components should be swapped.
Second, that will rotate the camera relative to it’s current CFrame. Which is fine for pitching, since it will rotate the camera around it’s local X axis which is correct, but it won’t work for yaw. Imagine looking (pitching) 45 degrees up. Then the local Y axis isn’t straight up in world space, it’s half back and half up. To fix it, you need to instead rotate the camera around a different axis. That axis is the world Y axis but transformed to the camera’s space so it works correctly when applying the transformation.
Here’s how:
function handleMouseMovement(delta)
--Handle pitch
camera.CFrame *= CFrame.Angles(-delta.Y * 0.01, 0, 0)
--Handle yaw
local yawAxis = camera.CFrame:VectorToObjectSpace(Vector3.yAxis)
camera.CFrame *= CFrame.FromAxisAngle(yawAxis, -delta.X * 0.01)
I’m p sure this should work, let me know if it doesn’t tho :I
RunService:BindToRenderStep("RotateCamera", 50, function()
local delta = UserInputService:GetMouseDelta()
currentCamera.CFrame.Rotation = CFrame.Angles(delta.X, delta.Y, 0) -- The Vectors are in a wrong order.