Some interior pics of the first build for my cyberpunk inspired game

Some pics of the interior for a housing block from the game my friend and i are developing, anything that could be improved? and feedback is appreciated!

game link for anyone who wants to see it in game: Nightlife Testing - Roblox


It looks good, I think it needs more bright color for a well… you know, cyberpunk game!
More colors would be nice, too bland.



other areas will have more bright colors and stuff, this is meant to be a sorta unmaintained slums area, thanks for the feedback tho!


No problem! Sounds good, is this gonna be a showcase OR an actual game?

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itll be an actual game, we have alot of things planned so itll be a long while before everything is in the game, we’ve only been developing it for about a week so far.

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Sounds good! I bet it would be amazing! I’d even donate to support development if you had a option to do so. Looks amazing

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we arent accepting donations right now since we didnt really expect any interest in this project lol, but we do have a discord you could join if you wana keep up with progress!

link: Cluster Studios

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I don’t care if it ain’t for the project, GIVE A DONATION OPTION FOR ANYTHING (All I have is 5, so 5 max.) BUT ANYWAYS, WHAT CAN I DO TO DONATE!?!

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i made a donation t-shirt Donation - Roblox its just the games icon but its there i guess lol

This interior of a cyberpunk-inspired game looks great! Nice job on it!

Bought it!
Hope it helps!
