Some keys just aren't registering at all

I am making a simple drone where you can press R to disable the motors, but R isn’t registering.
Where? Studio.
When? Always.

It seems that only letter keys are affected.
These are the keys that don’t register so far

  • R
  • T
  • P
  • Z
  • X
  • C
  • V

All of those keys work normally outside of testing, for example, I can still press F to focus, and everything works fine in the roblox player.
And this does affect all of my games in studio.

This is the code used. I have tried putting it in all possible places, and even replicated first didn’t work.

local uis = game:GetService("UserInputService")


paste the script provided into a local script and put it anywhere a local script can go (right now it’s in starter character scripts)

I hope I didn’t miss anything.


We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and we will update you when we have further information!

Thanks for the report!


Did you test with a different keyboard?


Thanks for the bug report! I wasn’t able to reproduce the issue. Would it be possible for you to create a rbxl file that demonstrates the issue so we can help? It’s possible there is something else in your scripts that is interfering. I will attach the simple file that I used for testing, which is empty except for your script. When I press keys in this experience, it works for me.
Bug-2628229.rbxl (52.9 KB)


sorry for the late replies, my time on my computer got way more strict

So played the file, and the bug still occurred. Even with a different keyboard. Oh yeah and a few days ago when my friend was trying out my drone game, he said that even he got the issue. Same keys and everything. Huh… I tried it on my laptop, and it worked! So I guess it’s an issue on my end. But only for studio. All of the keys work for everything else. I tried closing the fps unlocker and that’s not it. I am very confused.

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Haha I just tried the laser turret tank from the CSG update post and realized R still doesn’t work.

If you have shortcuts set to a key in Studio, that key will not fire Input events in Studio.
For example, I bound 1 to the Select tool in Studio, and that key will not fire said events when I test it in Studio.

A workaround is to bind a combination of keys into your shortcuts (eg: Ctrl-1), instead of having just one key be bound to a shortcut like I did.
Otherwise, the only other way is to test the game out on the game client instead of doing so in Studio.

It’s a chore to deal with of course, just want to put this out there to let you understand why this is happening.


@crypto_mancer See above for details as to why this could be happening.

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It was because of the mesh editor plugin. You are a legend. Thank you so much.

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