Some Mesh-Texture trees appear really dark...?

I am making a smooth terrain map with Mesh-Texture trees, but I’m running into an issue where the leaves on some of the trees cast a really dark shadow.

The darkness appears regardless of angle.

The meshPart for the leaves has a transparency of 0.4, and is of material SmoothPlastic. This is the imageID for the tree leaves: 4817360477
The same issue appears with both Voxel shadows and ShadowMap shadows.
I’ve tried tweaking the material, transparency and changing the texture but I haven’t figured out a solution yet. Any suggestions? I appreciate any help.

It might be 2 things.

Try changing your tree leaf collisions to BOX, that usually also happens with some 3d Meshes.

If that isnt the case you might have an issue with the mesh normal distribution itself, you will have to go to your 3d Software and change the Vertex Weight, this is kind of a complex process.