Some meshparts massive when importing, others fine

  • What are you attempting to achieve?

Im looking to import a mesh with correct scales

  • What is the issue? (Keep it simple and clear - Include screenshots/videos/GIFs if possible)

Some parts of the mesh come out massive, others are fine, it looks fine in blender

The parts that are massive in blender

Parts that are massive in studio

  • What solutions have you tried so far? (Have you searched for solutions through the Roblox Wiki yet?)

Yep, i’ve tried re doing the blender configs and re importing multiple times, nothing works

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The outline of the meshes that are massive are regularly sized, but the mesh still reacts when i scale it, dunno whats going on, maybe a studio bug but I probably did something wrong.

Anyone have any explanations? or is it a bug?



If you’re exporting in .fbx file types, make your scale smaller in the export window.

If you aren’t exporting as .fbx and you’re still having this issue, in Object Mode, select all your objects, press Ctrl + A, and select “All Transforms” then export again.

Always applying all transforms is just a good habit to get into anyways.

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Make all of the parts smaller and when you import it make sure the location is the same and the size is the same.