I know they aren’t the greatest but i want to know what others think about them, some pointers what to improve.
im not an art designer, and i don’t even know what im doing here.
but honestly, those look crazy good
they’re amazing bro, keep up the good work
oh, and can i use that model for a game im making? if so pls send link
Im afraid not, but trust me, it’s a good idea to learn it so you can use those skills for future projects, with some tutorials(those are made in blender as you may guessed) im sure you can do pretty well.
Looks great! Keep up the good work
Your not off to a bad start. I would recommend using better materials/textures. Perhaps a darker color wood texture?
They look very good! You’re gonna have to play around with the color and texturing MORE. Texturing is what is gonna make this one hundred times better. The ammo themselves need it too. Otherwise, good work!
Make the metal look metal, and add some light. If you can
i think the metal looks metal wys