Some of my favorite builds I've made (2022)

Hey there! Its been almost a month since I last posted, and since 2022 is coming to an end I thought I’d post some of my favorite builds I’ve made this year, the first two are from a couple months back, and the bottom two are from today. I made all of my builds completely in blender.


W O W it looks amazingly realistic (except for the 3rd and 4th image because I don’t see this everyday lol - still realistic, but I think you undeestood what I want to say. -)

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Oh wow, these look brilliant! Just amazing pictures to see on a such simple game like ROBLOX. You did very well.

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WOAH! these look amazing!! keep it up man

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Thanks! I look forward to what I make in the future and what 2023 will bring with it haha.

Is there anything I should change about the last two? I tried to base it on an imperial or ISB hallway from StarWars.

No, your build looks amazing! Nothing to add :yum:

Wow that’s very realistic that’s exactly what I thought when I seen it for the first time!

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I wish you luck. You got mad talent!