Some of my GFX's

First post ever on devforum. Just got accepted today. These are some of my GFX’s.


Welcome to the dev forum! I’m actually new too. Got accepted yesterday, but onto the topic.
These GFX look amazing, but my only criticism is the 2nd GFX. It doesn’t have a background, and it kind of ruins it a little bit in my opinion. I’m loving the eerie feel of the 1st one, and I’m adoring the festive feel on the 3rd one. Amazing job! :grin:

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Thank you very much! The criticism is appreciated. I will try and remember to add a better background. I will try to edit it. Again, thank you so much.

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No problem! Even though I am not ever going to really work with GFX, I really do hope you keep going. Some of these are like early masterpieces for thumbnails, and practise in general.

I will for sure keep working on more. Thank you.

I noticed that there are some weird looking lines on your second GFX. I think you should remove them.


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Ok, I will thank you. Appreciate the criticism.

These are amazing! My only problem is that the second one is a bit plain compared to the others…

Yeah, I already received that criticism. Thank you though. I appreciate it.

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I think i see a theme with your GFXs. a lot of tilt, specifically to the right. While there’s no problem with this, I think you could play around with camera angles and FOVs maybe to give it a more dynamic feel.
and finally, on the first GFX, the armyman is holding the gun like a heavy fish. try making him look like he’s trained in using a gun lol.


Looks good! I really like the first and the last one, especially the snowflakes and the lines behind santa.

Maybe change the font since it isn’t really readable.

That GFX was my first gun one. So I tried my best to make it look like he is.

Oh thank you so much! I appreciate it.

I am not exactly sure what you mean, but I can try to make the font more clear.

I like the GFX, but in the first picture, you should’ve made the stance for holding the gun better, like they’re actually holding it. It looks like they’re using their pointer finger to hold only the trigger guard. Also, the text really doesn’t fit with the GFX (excluding your watermarks).