Some old CoreScript loader I made for fun - Version 1.3


I don’t know if this belongs here or in Community Resources. Let me know.

I made an old Roblox CoreScript Loader (mainly because I was bored) and decided to open-source it. Here’s the ModuleScript, here’s the GitHub, and here’s a demo place.

I’ll probably expand upon this post as time goes on. I originally started working on it last month, but started working on it again from scratch ~a week ago. Hopefully somebody finds at least 1 use in this.

Please credit me for this btw lol

Here’s an example script to load a 2015E simulation:

-- Make sure to set your avatar type as R6 before loading, or your camera will break. R15 support is being worked on.
local module = require(7467219669) -- or script.Parent:WaitForChild("OBFramework"), assuming we're in ServerScriptService

You will see missing script errors, this is normal. I haven’t worked on MainBotChatScript or PurchasePromptScript yet.

The music in the demo place is for testing the volume slider in the 2015E Settings menu.
