(I’m not sure if this is the place to put it, but)
I’m running into an issue where whenever a large cluster of parts are loaded in, new parts cause the oldest one to automatically delete
in other words, whenever a part is added through Instance.new(), the oldest part added through the same method (assuming theres like 1k parts loaded from the method already), is deleted.
I honestly have no idea what’s causing the parts to delete, since the only thing in the code I have that deletes them is debris service, and it usually takes a minute to delete one individual part-
So I can only have 1k items set in debris service?
If that’s the case, what alternative option can I use to schedule an object’s deletion? Should I try inserting a script into each individual part that deletes it after a minute?
In a normal environment, you want to let the parts delete itself to save on resources. With ~a thousand parts, deleting a couple extra wouldn’t really make a difference visually. If this is an issue for you, you’re probably doing something wrong or very inefficiently.