Some particles don't appear properly

This isn’t exactly a scripting issue by I didn’t know a better place to post it. I also haven’t seen anyone describing a similar issue on the forum as far as I know.

Recently, after I started testing my game with a bigger number of players 10+, I’ve noticed something weird happening with particles in the game. Half of the time, they won’t load in and in some cases, 10 seconds after they should’ve been loaded and visible, they become visible. On other occasions, they appear normally. There is no real pattern to this and it affects particles that are cloned into workspace/characters indiscriminately.

It doesn’t seem to be an isolated issue as it’s happening randomly with particles used in gameplay. This began happening roughly 2 days ago but I can’t tell if it’s because of Roblox or the bigger amount of players I’m testing with (Although I suspect the latter)

One big clue is that, particles that should’ve been loaded in and parented to players body and such are appearing at position vector (0,0,0). They don’t appear at the exact time the particle is loaded in so it’s not a simple issue of all of the particles not being parented as it’s a bit random. Even some particles on my working baseplate that aren’t used in the game whatsoever appear in the position vector (0,0,0) and I don’t really know how they’re getting there.

If it’s any help, when I stayed in a server for over an hour, both server and client memory hovered at around 650mb. I don’t really have anything to compare this to in order to tell if it’s a problem or not. If anyone has experienced or knows about similar issues in other games and any possible ways to fix, I’d appreciate it.


I think it may be due to Roblox’s particle limit.
I believe that the more particles there are in-game at once, the lower the rate of all particle emitters become.
This may also be due to a low graphics quality: try setting your graphics quality to the max.
You may want to use BillboardGuis as an alternative to ParticleEmitters for future effects.
They are harder to use for effects, though.

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This has been happening to me all day today, It’s not the particle limit, as today is the only day this has been occurring. Particles that have previously worked no longer seem to appear. This has also been occurring to point and spot lights all the sudden. They do not seem to appear.
I’ve checked all of the particles and spot lights properties and they are enabled and should be viewable, but I keep having the same issue. Could this possibly just be a Roblox data outage?

Possibly. There are no related unresolved issues on their status website, though.

It’s just weird, they all the sudden started to act really funny, after another outage.

I have a same thing in my test places when it uses a lot of particles. I do think it’s some sort of built in automatic optimisation which should be available to be disabled by developers when they want. The reason why they might be invisible (at least in my case) is bc I am too far away, if you can call that. Well, it’s that far for other games, for some reason it don’t want to emit particles when you are a bit far away from it. The draw distance and optimisation in roblox always surprices me

Same thing is happening to me, someone please make a bug report on this!

I’ve noticed a fair lot of oddities in recent weeks.
Particles, trails, and lights are getting culled out or just don’t even appear. For me, it’s somehow bound to the graphics settings, but even then it’s strangely tied to the triangles being rendered.
The lower the setting, usually around 7-8, the effects appear as intended, but any higher, and some or all of the particles and lighting effects just don’t render correctly.

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same thing is happening to me have you figured it out?

As of October 2022, I’m having a similar issue where no particles appear at all regardless of graphics qual.