July 14, 2022, 2:07pm
If you haven’t noticed, sometimes if you click on someone’s profile on a post, they will have a normal profile icon, but in their profile, they will have a system icon.
When it started happening
A few days ago, not sure of the exact date.
Screenshots of the bug
How to reproduce
Just go through peoples profiles, it’s very likely that you will find one like this.
Ive seen people with this thing
People say it is due to the devforum outage
You can fix it by logging in and out
Thats weird, it did not change for me when I went to check devfourm after the outage. And I was still logged in
What do you mean by
What i get from this is that you had the system icon, but you logged out and logged back inand you still got it?
July 14, 2022, 6:31pm
This will do the trick! Once users logout and log back in it creates a new session and updates their profile thumbnail.
No, I never logged out before or after the outage.
So you had it, then it reset to the player icon by itself?
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Yep, never got the icon that looks kinda like the default google person.