Some questions about texture painting

I’ve been practicing blender a lot recently. Most of the things were fine, they came up to my expectation
except for one thing that’s texture painting. My models are mostly single color for each parts and when I see other people’s work, I feel demotivated. So now I came here to ask some questions:

  • How do you come up with the texture idea?
  • How do you design your model’s color theme?
  • Did you use the built-in color painting feature of blender or did you use other software(If so, how do you know which part of the UV is on the image and where)?

Sorry if this is in the wrong category, I don’t have access to Discussion

You can just use brush and paint on model , and then you can also edit that texture in some pictures editing programs like Photoshop .

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Hey there! Supossing you don’t want to texture but you want to texture paint (as both texturing and texture painting make your material not only one color), I’ll try answer your questions.

How do you come up with the texture idea?
This is a fairly easy one. If you are making something based on real life, just stick with how it looks like in real life. If you are making some crazy fantasy stuff, just use your imagination. There isn’t a whole lot about coming up with texture ideas if I understand your question correctly.

How do you design your model’s color theme?
Well, as I said if you are making something from real life, stick with the look that the item/material has in real life. If it’s fantasy, then you can either try making your own pallete/theme or use one of the many pallete generators (link my favorite one).

Did you use the built-in color painting feature of blender or did you use other software (If so, how do you know which part of the UV is on the image and where)?
This is purely on you. Some people prefer painting in blender because it will show the changes on the model right away and they can get a better idea about what their texture looks like. If you are more comfortable with using something like photoshop, or paint-net or whatever drawing software, then use it. If you use external software, then you can simply export the UV layout.

Hope this helps you! :grinning:


Thank you for your reply, this is very helpful. Never know about the export UV.