Some questions on my first car game

So, What I want to do is start my own car game. But not any car game you see, it will be unique. What I will do is try and make it like the old school car games. For example, some of the games I can take reference from

Images taken straight from Full Speed. Game link here: Full Speed - Roblox

Here are my questions I would like for you guys to answer:

  1. Is using models for cars better than using roblox studio itself?
  2. Is there any chasis out there I can use for my cars?
  3. And lastly, how can I set a curtain speed to my car

I have tried to let less weight off my car and that hasn’t really changed much.
I also believe that using models can decrease lag because a model makes an object whole.

Thanks, and leave your thoughts down below.

Currently modeling your cars in other programs such as blender may be superior to using roblox studio. Blender offers the advantage of having more flexibility while creating the car and helps you keep the tri count low rather than using unions in roblox studio.

Thanks for the feedback Arcrypt I will look into it