I’m not entirely sure what you’re trying to do, so I can’t give specifics, but I would check out the physics page of the docs, and if you’re dealing with applying forces then the mover constraints specifically. AssemblyLinearVelocity is still quite useful, for example, in the game I’m working on the lobby in is a sort of void with floating islands, and I use AssemblyLinearVelocity in order to bounce the player back up whenever they fall, but you’re right, unless you manually make a system to do so, it doesn’t take into account other forces. In terms of making forces fade in and out, you should be able to use the TweenService in order to accomplish this, but the TweenService is intended for use with things like visual animations, and I don’t have any experience with using it for physics, so if these fades are critical to your gameplay you might want to do some testing yourself. However, I’d be super careful with fading the forces, as unless if you’re using a LinearVelocity or an AngularVelocity, these constraints apply apply forces, not movement. If you not familiar with physics, forces are more or less the same as acceleration, and so keeping a static acceleration will already cause a fade out in the object’s velocity, and fading the acceleration typically just results in unnatural looking movement. Here’s a Desmos graph to demonstrate what I’m talking about.
Red Line: Distance
Purple Line: Velocity
Green Line: Acceleration
This graph here demonstrates a constant deceleration, notice that while the acceleration is constant, the velocity decreases linearly, and thus the distance travelled starts to taper off near the end, achieving that smooth “fading”. (Desmos)
I was going to make a second graph demonstrating a changing acceleration, but I realised I actually don’t know how to graph it with non-constant acceleration, so you’ll just have to take my word for it, the fade you get at the very end is much more abrupt when you introduce non-constant forces.
Finally, in regards to modifying the physics engine, it depends heavily on what you’re trying to do, so I can’t really say without knowing what you want to modify, sorry about that. I hope this helped clear up any confusion.