Some Small Store Basic Build

Right now I am not the best at building but some Feedback would be appreciated

Anything I could do to build better creations?


Let me know if this is the wrong topic

I’d recommend trying to add some depth to the roof, and maybe add a sign to show it’s a shop.

It’d also recommend looking up reference photos and trying to mimic patterns that you notice.

An indentation like in this photo could help make the roof stand out

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Its the good topic, you put it under feedback, also the build is cool however its really blocky, id recommend make a different, somehow cooler roof and shape the store so its not too blocky but it looks cool :slight_smile:

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Thank you guys for the feedback

Also Just made a little interior for now

Use more geometry, nothing in real life is perfect and nothing in real life is completely square

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Alright, I will try to do that now thank you! :smile:

make a frame for the doors and windows

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I suggest using Wedges and Plugins such as Build V4 and F3X Plugin
they are really helpful for building, especially Build V4, With that, it makes building so much easier the best feature on it is you can rotate parts easily in the middle axis without moving it and rotating it making everything hard.

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The only problem I have with F3X is that whenever I scale grouped parts it’ll end up like this.

Because they scale locally, just use the default tools built into studio to scale the whole group.

I only replied to warn new dev’s not to use F3X scaling with grouped parts but your reply does also help on what I mean.

This looks like something that would be found in the original prison life city. Keep it like that if you’re gonna do something like what prison life did. On the other hand, revamp it and add some interior detail, make sure they know it’s a shop, and maybe a doorknob.

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Great start! I think the color / material scheme is a little rough. More detail on the roof definitely. Adding a frame to the windows and door would make a huge difference! Like a previous user stated, using some sort of reference is a great idea and helps a ton. Also, whats ur stud unit?


This is under the Model Tab .This change the unit / grid your blocks are resized and moved on. (snap to grid) I recommend turning it on and playing around with the number. I usually stick with 0.25 or 1. I personally use 1 stud for exterior of buildings to make them thick. And use 0.25 for smaller details.

The reason I use these numbers is because they’re factors of each other. Moving / Resizing an object 0.25 studs, 4 times is going to make 1 stud. So when you’re lining up objects its much easier. I can see here that there it isn’t the same width.


Using the snap to grid feature makes it a lot easier to line the parts up!

Making this post was a really big step in your process of getting better as a builder. Criticism is essential to improving. I hope this information is helpful, keep building! :slight_smile:

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Make picture

Example : Welcome to my store or a picture of a drink or discount photos soo its not not boring

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The roof could get a lot of improvement! Adding different parts and meshes will express the build more. Make a cool sign on the roof and create a nice name for the shop. But other wise keep up with the great work! :+1:

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