Some sort of city build (WIP)

Hey! I’m making this city thing or something lol, but I wanted to show it here and I feel like I need to change stuff.

I appreciate any feedback!


Looks amazing. Seems to be realistic themed.

Also, when your creating builds. Make sure to watch out to how much parts your using as that can cause lag.

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Just watch the copyrighted stuff or you could get banned

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Yeah or music but having a McDonald’s sign would be fine. Like, if your using something and claiming that to be yours is copyright yeah and it looks close to the original creator’s one

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thanks! i’m trying my best to keep it as optimized haha

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i’ll be removing them once i make a full showcase version, i’m only using them for now as a reference of some sort !

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Looks like a cool project! Not enough variety of curtains though

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