Some sort of lighting help?

I really don’t know how to make this type of lighting:

Any sort of tips would be greatly appreciated.

So far this is what I have:


Looks like the sun is at sunset or sunrise so first step would be to set the time to either 06:12 or 17:52. You can probably find a cool sky box to create the sky effects.


I don’t want to use tons of particles to generate the foggy lighting so I used Atmosphere, I’m not sure if it’s too much though.

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Looks great! It looks amazing!

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OH MY GOD, it’s so good how did you make it?!

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I just messed around with lighting while looking at references, lol.

Can I have the lighting effects and what not you used lol
It looks amazing

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Sure! I created an uncopylocked place:

@Koiyukki, if you wanted to use it too.

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The sun looks well detailed and well designed I like it you did a good job well done :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

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I think this actually looks great! if you made a map with it this could look incredible.

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Thank you! The sun is actually the normal Roblox one, lol.

I have a map already, I’m going to import it soon. :wink:

If you’re wanting to make a game like that I’d recommend adding SurfaceAppearence to materials and such.